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Improve Your SEO With These 2019 Trends

It’s no secret that the key to growing website traffic is mastering the art of search engine optimization, from the key words you sprinkle throughout your articles to the metadata on your site’s photos. However, algorithms change, making the ebbs and flows of the online landscape that much more difficult to navigate without following the latest trends when it comes to SEO.

Whether you are designing a website to sell homemade jewellery with the appropriate backlinks or growing the notability of a secure data room with GDPR compliance, knowing what is making the biggest impact at the moment with Google will help you grow your brand with ease and efficiency. 

  • Optimize the loading time of your pages. Page speed factors into how the the performance of a website is valued by Google and, consequently, suggested to interested users searching online.
  • Rather than just focusing on gaining traffic in order to boost your presence on Google’s main pages, it is important to also work on the entirety of your brand as a whole to increase its value. Google looks at every aspect, including the trust your websites produce with your readers.
  • Use location to your advantage by geotargeting your webpages to those near you. This is especially important if you profit off of sales in a physical store and require clients to physically visit it.
  • Optimize your webpages for smartphone use—that is currently how Google does most of its indexing and ranking
  • Always create relevant content and publish it regularly to illustrate that your website is active and offering readers valuable information regarding their searches
  • Making your website linkable is the easiest way to generate traffic and growth. Focus on key words that are relevant to specific topics so that users know what to expect when they click through to that page.

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