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Who is MergerTechnology.com ?

MergerTechnology’s mission is to provide independent insights, news and reviews on the core technologies used by M&A professionals. Our goal is to help investment bankers, advisors, brokers and legal counsel make the right decisions about which cloud computing software and services to invest in to support their business.

Cloud computing technology is rapidly evolving and each new development brings new opportunities and risks. MergerTechnology aims to keep you up to speed on the latest trends and advances in virtual data rooms, document security, cloud storage, analytics, reporting and more.

Written for M&A professionals by industry experts and peers, MergerTechnology focuses on both established and emerging technologies that support dealmaking, financial due diligence, compliance, litigation and collaboration. Ultimately, we want to make sure that you’re educated and informed about new solutions and services that can help make you and your clients more efficient and successful.
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